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Friday, June 7, 2013
Chapter 38 is simply a goodbye chapter where Elizabeth says goodbye to the Collins' couple and heads for home. They make a quick stop to pick up Jane and then the chapter ends. The worst part about these two chapters is that they are there to make the reader feel the anticipation that Lizzy feels. She desperately wants to tell Jane about Darcy and his proposal and about Wickham but doesn't want to let anyone else in on the secrets because they are kind of big. To enforce this feeling the author adds these two chapters as filler chapters. For example the only thing that happens in chapter 39 is that the two sisters meet up with Lydia and Kitty in town and head home after lunch. The only reason this chapter is necessary at all is that it reveals more of Lydia's personality. 

Lydia is perhaps the most annoying character in the book and yet I fear that we all know someone who has at some point been a Lydia. Lydia is young but completely compulsive. We see this at the beginning of chapter 39 when Lydia informs her older sisters that they will have to pay for lunch because she has spent all of her money on a bonnet that she then realizes she doesn't even really like but she couldn't leave a perfectly good bonnet at the store and not buy it now could she? She then spends the rest of the ride home either talking about the parties and Wickham or cutting off Kitty when she is trying to talk. When they finally get home she brags to Mary about all the fun that she had missed, takes credit for treating the other girls to lunch, and dismisses anything that Mary says after she is done talking. Honestly I can't stand this character and she just gets worse. I suppose most families have that one relative who is like Lydia. The one who cares only about themselves and spends most of their time embarrassing the rest of the family. Normally I would add in that that is what family is for and in real life I admit that it is, but this is literature and fiction and I find I am completely in loathing with Lydia. In fact I actually cannot even pick a character for her picture because she would completely tarnish any good qualities that go along with that character. I know that all of this negativity seems out of place if you haven't read the book but trust me when I tell you you will only grow to hate her character more. I guess some characters just have to be cannon fodder to make dramatic plot lines.

Anyway I have a massive headache and will be hopefully do a better post for the next chapters. I'm sorry about the Lydia rant that I used mainly as filler because I'm just not up for writing but I wanted to give you something. Look for another post sometime perhaps Monday night. 
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