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Monday, April 8, 2013
Alright here we go, we are getting closer to the good parts so I am trying to rush through some of the less important chapters. These three are less important to the main plot and are more necessary because they sort of clean up the Mr. Collins and Mr. Bingley messes for now.
Chapter 24 is the second letter from Miss Bingley which pretty much says they are never coming back and I really think my brother will marry Miss Darcy so ha ha you commoner of the farmland. The important part of this chapter is that we get a steady dialogue between Jane and Lizzy and we start to learn that Jane truly sees the good in everyone and that Lizzy tends to see the bad in everyone. Jane is making excuses and arguing that Miss Bingley wouldn't lie to her or deceive her and Lizzy is holding to her idea that this was just a big plot to get Mr. Bingley away from Jane because she isn't as high up on the money ladder as the Bingley's and Darcy's are.
Most of this chapter we spend going oh my goodness Jane is adorable and the other half going oh my goodness can't you hate anyone you stupid naive girl!!!! Everyone but Jane can see that Miss Bingley is being a jerk and yet she is still holding out for her. Jane wont even let Lizzy get mad at Mr. Bingley because Jane is convinced that if he had really loved her than his family and friends could not have kept them apart, oh Jane why are you so innocent?
Meanwhile Mrs. B is being as insensitive as ever by bringing up Bingley's name during every meal. Mr. B however is being as hilarious as ever by saying things like, "Hey Lizzy, so your sister was just in love now her heart is broken, don't you think its your turn? How long are you going to let her win this game? Hey I know how about you fall in love with Wickham because he is bound to break your heart and (direct quote->)... would jilt you creditably." FORESHADOWING.
Speaking of Wickham convienently right after Darcy leaves town the whole town finds out about how badly Darcy has supposedly treated him. Again I remind you that if you were reading this you would believe him right now as Lizzy does, however, I am further than you are and so I hate him. Anyway the whole town believes it because they just love having reasons to hate Darcy because he comes across as majorly prideful.
Chapter 25 is all about Collins and his marriage to Charlotte. He is busy expressing his overflowing love for a girl he just met. This is poking fun at the way love and marriage was done back then. Nevertheless I still feel a bit bad for him because if he really does believe he is in love with her than he is going to have a shock when he finally realizes she just puts up with him because she wants to make sure she is secure in life. This gets drastically contrasted with Mr. Gardiner who is Mrs. B's brother. Mr. G makes his money off of trade and lives "within view of his own warehouses" and his wife is young and intelligent. They both act respectively and live like well bred people of a higher class than they really are.
Mrs. G who already has heard what has happened with the Bingley nonsense offers to take Jane away to London with them to clear her head. They live on the other side of London so there is little to no chance that Bingley will find her though Jane still has hopes of seeing his sister at this point. We also learn Darcy's first name in this chapter I'm not sure we have learned it yet. It is Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy. Its adorable and I want to name my first born son Fiztwilliam now not sure that it will ever happen though.
Chapter 26 starts off with Mrs. G who also hears about Wickham and some killer foreshadowing takes place when she begs Lizzy to use her head and be cautious when dealing with him although she doesn't have a lot of information on him, only that she knew of him when she was little because she lived in the same area.
Lizzy says that she isn't in danger of falling for Wickham and that she hopes that he is not in love with her because the match would be bad for him (oh this child) and she promises to be careful of him which is good since by the end of this chapter we find out that he is chasing some other girl because she has more money. You want to be like come on Lizzy you know you like him but she seriously barely reacts when he goes after a different girl she's just like yeah well she has more money and if I had had money he would have probably asked me to marry him already.
The sad part of this chapter comes when Jane finally figures out that Miss Bingley doesn't like her. She goes to visit her and then waits four weeks for her to finally show up. When Miss Bingley does come she is very obviously unhappy about being there and Jane is just like well I don't know why you wanted to be friends with me so badly if you didn't even want to be my friend. And Jane even alludes to the idea that Miss Bingley's behavior and words seem to point towards deception. Jane is hurt but she decides to just focus on the good things in life and try to forget about the lot of them, not that she can say that in a mean way since she never once speaks very harshly.
This is also the chapter where the wedding of Collins and Charlotte actually happens but it is pretty much skimmed over because I think everyone is tired of hearing about it. Mainly it is important because Lizzy shows herself to be slightly unforgiving and prejudiced so far against her friend who marries for marring's sake instead of any form of relative happiness.
Okay well that is all for today I will try to have more up this week since it appears that this is a slow week. I hope everyone is enjoying it. Please become Minions if you aren't and I know there are more than two people reading these ... you know who you are. Also feel free to go back and read previous chapters to catch up or review. Follow me on Tweeter for updates @KauruRoss.
Your caffeinated Writer,
Chapter 24 is the second letter from Miss Bingley which pretty much says they are never coming back and I really think my brother will marry Miss Darcy so ha ha you commoner of the farmland. The important part of this chapter is that we get a steady dialogue between Jane and Lizzy and we start to learn that Jane truly sees the good in everyone and that Lizzy tends to see the bad in everyone. Jane is making excuses and arguing that Miss Bingley wouldn't lie to her or deceive her and Lizzy is holding to her idea that this was just a big plot to get Mr. Bingley away from Jane because she isn't as high up on the money ladder as the Bingley's and Darcy's are.

Meanwhile Mrs. B is being as insensitive as ever by bringing up Bingley's name during every meal. Mr. B however is being as hilarious as ever by saying things like, "Hey Lizzy, so your sister was just in love now her heart is broken, don't you think its your turn? How long are you going to let her win this game? Hey I know how about you fall in love with Wickham because he is bound to break your heart and (direct quote->)... would jilt you creditably." FORESHADOWING.

Chapter 25 is all about Collins and his marriage to Charlotte. He is busy expressing his overflowing love for a girl he just met. This is poking fun at the way love and marriage was done back then. Nevertheless I still feel a bit bad for him because if he really does believe he is in love with her than he is going to have a shock when he finally realizes she just puts up with him because she wants to make sure she is secure in life. This gets drastically contrasted with Mr. Gardiner who is Mrs. B's brother. Mr. G makes his money off of trade and lives "within view of his own warehouses" and his wife is young and intelligent. They both act respectively and live like well bred people of a higher class than they really are.
Mrs. G who already has heard what has happened with the Bingley nonsense offers to take Jane away to London with them to clear her head. They live on the other side of London so there is little to no chance that Bingley will find her though Jane still has hopes of seeing his sister at this point. We also learn Darcy's first name in this chapter I'm not sure we have learned it yet. It is Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy. Its adorable and I want to name my first born son Fiztwilliam now not sure that it will ever happen though.
Chapter 26 starts off with Mrs. G who also hears about Wickham and some killer foreshadowing takes place when she begs Lizzy to use her head and be cautious when dealing with him although she doesn't have a lot of information on him, only that she knew of him when she was little because she lived in the same area.
Lizzy says that she isn't in danger of falling for Wickham and that she hopes that he is not in love with her because the match would be bad for him (oh this child) and she promises to be careful of him which is good since by the end of this chapter we find out that he is chasing some other girl because she has more money. You want to be like come on Lizzy you know you like him but she seriously barely reacts when he goes after a different girl she's just like yeah well she has more money and if I had had money he would have probably asked me to marry him already.

This is also the chapter where the wedding of Collins and Charlotte actually happens but it is pretty much skimmed over because I think everyone is tired of hearing about it. Mainly it is important because Lizzy shows herself to be slightly unforgiving and prejudiced so far against her friend who marries for marring's sake instead of any form of relative happiness.
Okay well that is all for today I will try to have more up this week since it appears that this is a slow week. I hope everyone is enjoying it. Please become Minions if you aren't and I know there are more than two people reading these ... you know who you are. Also feel free to go back and read previous chapters to catch up or review. Follow me on Tweeter for updates @KauruRoss.
Your caffeinated Writer,
pride and prejudice