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Friday, April 5, 2013
Hey everyone so sorry that it has taken me so long college is busy sometimes so forgive me. I have also been working on finishing several books at once as well as writing my own plus homework so it takes me a while to actually find time to write about our lovely friends of Pride and Prejudice.
You should all know what the color means its sort of ugly so that means Mr. Collins is back. So in chapter 21 we see that Collins is not making too big of a deal he just is refusing to talk which is by no means a bad thing. Also he is speaking a lot to Miss Lucas (Charlotte) because at this point she is the only one where there is no tension. Lizzy thanks her but Austen lets us in on the secret. Charlotte is actually only talking to Collins because she doesn't want him to talk to Lizzy. She thinks that if she can get him to think of her more than Lizzy than she wont have to worry about Lizzy changing her mind and saying yes.
In the middle of this scheming Lizzy flirts with Wickham who admits only to Lizzy that he chose not to be at the ball because if he had been there it would have been awkward and possibly caused a scene (spoilers DARN TOOT'N IT WOULD HAVE CAUSED A SEEN SHOW YOUR FACE AT A DARCY INVOLVED PARTY I DARE YOU YOU PUNK!) okay I'm better where were we. Ah so he flirts with Lizzy and walks her home and while they are all chatting Jane gets a letter.
This is important. Jane gets a letter from Miss Bingley (the jerk) saying that they have now all offically left for London and none of them will be back anytime soon and especially for the next six months none of them will be home including Mr. Charles Bingley. Miss Bingley goes on to talk about how amazing it will be if Bingley marries Darcy's sister and that they really have no hope or desire of wanting him to marry Jane. The whole time Lizzy is listening she is hating her. Miss Bingley is being oh so very polite and the whole time Lizzy knows that she is actually being a jerk. However poor Jane just thinks that she is telling her to be nice because Bingley obviously must like Miss Darcy and there is no way that Miss Bingley could be being dishonest because she isn't capable of such a thing in the eyes of Jane. Poor pure Jane who believes that everyone is good and loving like she is. Lizzy makes a few attempts and finally gets her to think that maybe there is still some hope that Bingley could still come riding on his white horse and be her prince charming. They decide to tell Mrs. B only what she needs to know and leave her thinking that Bingley will eventually be coming back, wouldn't want to bother her nerves any more than they are about to be.
So this brings us full circle back to Charlotte and Collins who I cannot find an uglier color for. So Collins starts sneaking out early in the morning and starts courting Charlotte and one morning he "throw[s] himself at her feet" and they end up agreeing on getting married and of course her parents decide it's a good idea. Mrs. Lucas starts calculating how many days Mr. Bennet has left in him and Sir Lucas is likewise already making plans for his daughter and her soon to be husband to be living at least part time in the Lonbbourn estate (the Bennet house). Her sisters are happy because now they can start courting earlier and her brothers are just happy she wont be "dying an old maid." As for Charlotte she doesn't like Collins she doesn't find any part of him attractive or appealing but he wanted to marry her and now she wouldn't have to worry about where her bread and butter will come from for the rest of her life because she was guaranteed a house and steady income.
Collins on the other hand believes he is in love and can hardly keep the news to himself but does because Charlotte wants to tell Lizzy first and make sure she is not too badly hurt. So he leaves and because Mrs. B does know her manners sometimes she says the customary "come on back soon" and he says "oh I was hoping you would say that" and Mr. B gets afraid that he will come back and tries to encourage him to stay home but Mr. Collins doesn't actually get any hints ever so he just wishes everyone health and happiness ( and intentionally mentions that this goes for Lizzy as well) and gets in his carriage and rides away.
The Charlotte shows up and tells Lizzy and Lizzy's overall reaction is this "And to the pang of a friend disgracing herself and sunk in her esteem was added the distressing conviction that is was impossible for that friend to be tolerably happy in the lot she had chosen." So she isn't really angry at loosing Collins (who would be lets be honest) but she is disappointed in her best friend who has pretty much just sold out.
Now I would like to point out something else. Collins waited a mere three days before asking another girl to marry him. Seriously. Three days between asking two completely different girls to marry him. Three Days. THREE. DAYS. That's it. Just three. Jerk.
So the next day Sir Lucas comes and tells them that Collins and his daughter are getting married and at first Mrs. B is like "no he wants to marry Lizzy duh" and then she throws a tantrum. Actually its like several months of brooding and being angry. Lady Lucas is also not handling this with grace she finds it just as fulfilling to rub Mrs. B's nose in this engagement because of all the big talk she was doing about Jane and Bingley which no one really knows isn't going to happen yet as far as Jane and Lizzy are concerned.
Fourteen days after he leaves Collins comes back and marries Charlotte. The whole time all of this is happening Mrs. B keeps bringing up how unhappy it is that Bingley isn't back yet and the whole time Jane is silently freaking out. She waits in vain for a response to the letter she sent Miss Bingley, and starts to believe that Bingley really doesn't have feelings for her. Lizzy is likewise getting worried that Miss Bingley has succeeded in convincing Mr. Bingley to marry Miss Darcy.
Mrs. Bennet just becomes a useless whiner who complains and gripes at everyone and who outwardly dislikes and blames Lizzy for all of what has happened, including anything else happening in the world like starving children in sweat shops and coal mines you know the things that are obviously Lizzy's fault.
This chapter and the first part of the book ends with Mrs. Bennet bringing up an actual issue. The issue of entailment which is what says that Collins gets their house when Mr. Bennet dies. Now I remind you that though this is normal it is still unfair because if you look at Mr. Collins' patroness you see she is a widow who still has all her fortune and no new husband and no nephew owning her things. So we see the real unfair lifestyle of the day and get a look at the hard issues of the era that people had to just deal with. Even Mr. Bennet has no answer for why the entailment is he just knows that that's how the cookie crumbles.
Okay so that is the end of part one of the book. I will try my best to blog more this week. Please feel encouraged to become a minion of my page (because that is kooler than becoming a follower) and find me on the tweeter for immediate update updates at @KauruRoss. I hope you have enjoyed my view on Pride and Prejudice keep a wary eye on the page and feel free to comment or ask questions,
Your Loyal if not Prompt Forever Writer,
You should all know what the color means its sort of ugly so that means Mr. Collins is back. So in chapter 21 we see that Collins is not making too big of a deal he just is refusing to talk which is by no means a bad thing. Also he is speaking a lot to Miss Lucas (Charlotte) because at this point she is the only one where there is no tension. Lizzy thanks her but Austen lets us in on the secret. Charlotte is actually only talking to Collins because she doesn't want him to talk to Lizzy. She thinks that if she can get him to think of her more than Lizzy than she wont have to worry about Lizzy changing her mind and saying yes.
In the middle of this scheming Lizzy flirts with Wickham who admits only to Lizzy that he chose not to be at the ball because if he had been there it would have been awkward and possibly caused a scene (spoilers DARN TOOT'N IT WOULD HAVE CAUSED A SEEN SHOW YOUR FACE AT A DARCY INVOLVED PARTY I DARE YOU YOU PUNK!) okay I'm better where were we. Ah so he flirts with Lizzy and walks her home and while they are all chatting Jane gets a letter.

So this brings us full circle back to Charlotte and Collins who I cannot find an uglier color for. So Collins starts sneaking out early in the morning and starts courting Charlotte and one morning he "throw[s] himself at her feet" and they end up agreeing on getting married and of course her parents decide it's a good idea. Mrs. Lucas starts calculating how many days Mr. Bennet has left in him and Sir Lucas is likewise already making plans for his daughter and her soon to be husband to be living at least part time in the Lonbbourn estate (the Bennet house). Her sisters are happy because now they can start courting earlier and her brothers are just happy she wont be "dying an old maid." As for Charlotte she doesn't like Collins she doesn't find any part of him attractive or appealing but he wanted to marry her and now she wouldn't have to worry about where her bread and butter will come from for the rest of her life because she was guaranteed a house and steady income.
Collins on the other hand believes he is in love and can hardly keep the news to himself but does because Charlotte wants to tell Lizzy first and make sure she is not too badly hurt. So he leaves and because Mrs. B does know her manners sometimes she says the customary "come on back soon" and he says "oh I was hoping you would say that" and Mr. B gets afraid that he will come back and tries to encourage him to stay home but Mr. Collins doesn't actually get any hints ever so he just wishes everyone health and happiness ( and intentionally mentions that this goes for Lizzy as well) and gets in his carriage and rides away.
The Charlotte shows up and tells Lizzy and Lizzy's overall reaction is this "And to the pang of a friend disgracing herself and sunk in her esteem was added the distressing conviction that is was impossible for that friend to be tolerably happy in the lot she had chosen." So she isn't really angry at loosing Collins (who would be lets be honest) but she is disappointed in her best friend who has pretty much just sold out.
Now I would like to point out something else. Collins waited a mere three days before asking another girl to marry him. Seriously. Three days between asking two completely different girls to marry him. Three Days. THREE. DAYS. That's it. Just three. Jerk.
So the next day Sir Lucas comes and tells them that Collins and his daughter are getting married and at first Mrs. B is like "no he wants to marry Lizzy duh" and then she throws a tantrum. Actually its like several months of brooding and being angry. Lady Lucas is also not handling this with grace she finds it just as fulfilling to rub Mrs. B's nose in this engagement because of all the big talk she was doing about Jane and Bingley which no one really knows isn't going to happen yet as far as Jane and Lizzy are concerned.
Fourteen days after he leaves Collins comes back and marries Charlotte. The whole time all of this is happening Mrs. B keeps bringing up how unhappy it is that Bingley isn't back yet and the whole time Jane is silently freaking out. She waits in vain for a response to the letter she sent Miss Bingley, and starts to believe that Bingley really doesn't have feelings for her. Lizzy is likewise getting worried that Miss Bingley has succeeded in convincing Mr. Bingley to marry Miss Darcy.

This chapter and the first part of the book ends with Mrs. Bennet bringing up an actual issue. The issue of entailment which is what says that Collins gets their house when Mr. Bennet dies. Now I remind you that though this is normal it is still unfair because if you look at Mr. Collins' patroness you see she is a widow who still has all her fortune and no new husband and no nephew owning her things. So we see the real unfair lifestyle of the day and get a look at the hard issues of the era that people had to just deal with. Even Mr. Bennet has no answer for why the entailment is he just knows that that's how the cookie crumbles.
Okay so that is the end of part one of the book. I will try my best to blog more this week. Please feel encouraged to become a minion of my page (because that is kooler than becoming a follower) and find me on the tweeter for immediate update updates at @KauruRoss. I hope you have enjoyed my view on Pride and Prejudice keep a wary eye on the page and feel free to comment or ask questions,
Your Loyal if not Prompt Forever Writer,
pride and prejudice