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Saturday, April 13, 2013
Hey everyone so sorry about being so late with this after promising it early I was called upon by visiting relations and unfortunately had delayed in listening to my relentless alarm clock until 11 leaving very little time for writing. Alright here we go though I must warn you these chapters are more set up chapters for what is about to happen and have very little in them of importance.
Okay so Lizzy leaves to visit the Collins' newly weds and gets to stop by London to see her sister and her Aunt G.. Jane is feeling a bit better but is not really out of her broken-heart-ed-school-girl routine yet, but she is making an effort. Aunt G. talks to Lizzy privately about Mr. Wickham and starts to get worried about the fact that he is all of the sudden hitting on Miss King who, conveniently enough, just experienced the loss of her semi wealthy uncle. Lizzy ends up arguing for him the whole time. As a reader who has already seen what happens this screams foreshadowing upon its second read and I would now like to once again take the time to remind you that Wickham is every bit as sketchy as Aunt G thinks he is. Also Lizzy gets invited to go for a sort of traveling vacation during the summer wither her aunt and uncle which she accepts THIS IS IMPORTANT.
Alright, so Lizzy finally gets to the Collins' home. First Collins (the male Charlotte on her own will not be revered to as Collins) starts showing off his "humble home" and is pretty much gloating to Lizzy like, "see! see what you missed out on when you turned me down!" and Lizzy who sees this is just like "dude I still don't feel bad but how int he world does Charlotte put up with you?" We find out that Charlotte's answer to this question is that she encourages his gardening habit which keeps him out of the house, she uses her now much more vivid imagination, and later we find out she set up the room that she spends time in as far away from his study as possible. At one point Lizzy thinks something along the lines of "once Collins was out of the way Charlotte seemed very happy and so situated that it was possible he wasn't around very often" and so I guess that makes Charlotte a good pick for Collins if she can find ways to ignore someone so obnoxious.

During their stay Collins makes it a point to repeat almost everything his wife says. She likewise waits till he is done with his "speeches" and then quickly, in one sentence, paraphrases what he said so that everyone who checked out the minute his mouth opened can get the gist of what was said.
Then We meet Lady Catherine De Bourgh who is larger, loud, obnoxious, and so arrogant it honestly puts Collins and Excalibur to shame. She invites them to dinner and the whole time Collins is praising her literally worshiping her. The other Lucases are freaking out so badly that they hardly speak. And Lizzy is just like so you're rich want a cookie. Lady Catherine makes it a point to give all of the girls lectures on how to live. Is in awe of the fact that Lizzy's mother never hired a governess which back in the day would have been like someone saying they were home-schooled with an online program and their parents let them reap whatever they chose to sow. So she goes on about that while and then finds out that all of Lizzy's sisters have come out, meaning that they are all available for marriage. Okay history lesson for those who don't know girls back then would wait till about sixteen sometimes a bit older and then they would publicly "come out" in order to let the boys in town know that they could now request their hands in marriage. Normally the oldest would come out then be married then the the next would be allowed to come out. In a house of five girls you can imagine that would be hard since the girls who hadn't come out yet wouldn't be able to go dance at the balls if they could go at all.
Well Lizzy is pretty chill and she explains that if she chose not to marry the first guy who asks her (which she did ha ha ) or if she were to choose to wait till she were ready to marry than it would hardly be fair to her younger siblings. Lady Catherine is appalled by this and asks how hold Lizzy is and Lizzy appalls her further by indirectly saying "really I have three grown younger sisters and you want me to own how old and unmarried I am thanks lady but nope." One does not simply refuse to answer Lady Catherine's questions.
We also meet her daughter Miss De Bourgh who is described as sickly and small a lot like every time her name comes up it says sickly and small next to it. Lizzy makes an inward comment about her suiting Darcy. Miss Bourgh is Miss Darcy's contrast but we will wait to make that observation when we finally meet Miss Darcy (Darcy's little sister).
So the only other thing that happens is Collins talks a lot about how rich Lady Catherine is. Also Austen seems to make fun of people in Lady Catherine's position because before the commoners leave her house for the night they "... gathered round the fire to hear Lady Catherine determine what weather they were to have on the morrow." WOW
On that note I will promise to make no more promises about when blogs will be posted. I am sorry for not being a good steward of my time. I will try very hard to have more up tomorrow since we are about to get to the good yet horrible parts! Follow me here as a minion or on twitter @KauruRoss for updates when there are any.
Your Procrastination Hero,
Okay so Lizzy leaves to visit the Collins' newly weds and gets to stop by London to see her sister and her Aunt G.. Jane is feeling a bit better but is not really out of her broken-heart-ed-school-girl routine yet, but she is making an effort. Aunt G. talks to Lizzy privately about Mr. Wickham and starts to get worried about the fact that he is all of the sudden hitting on Miss King who, conveniently enough, just experienced the loss of her semi wealthy uncle. Lizzy ends up arguing for him the whole time. As a reader who has already seen what happens this screams foreshadowing upon its second read and I would now like to once again take the time to remind you that Wickham is every bit as sketchy as Aunt G thinks he is. Also Lizzy gets invited to go for a sort of traveling vacation during the summer wither her aunt and uncle which she accepts THIS IS IMPORTANT.
Alright, so Lizzy finally gets to the Collins' home. First Collins (the male Charlotte on her own will not be revered to as Collins) starts showing off his "humble home" and is pretty much gloating to Lizzy like, "see! see what you missed out on when you turned me down!" and Lizzy who sees this is just like "dude I still don't feel bad but how int he world does Charlotte put up with you?" We find out that Charlotte's answer to this question is that she encourages his gardening habit which keeps him out of the house, she uses her now much more vivid imagination, and later we find out she set up the room that she spends time in as far away from his study as possible. At one point Lizzy thinks something along the lines of "once Collins was out of the way Charlotte seemed very happy and so situated that it was possible he wasn't around very often" and so I guess that makes Charlotte a good pick for Collins if she can find ways to ignore someone so obnoxious.

During their stay Collins makes it a point to repeat almost everything his wife says. She likewise waits till he is done with his "speeches" and then quickly, in one sentence, paraphrases what he said so that everyone who checked out the minute his mouth opened can get the gist of what was said.
Then We meet Lady Catherine De Bourgh who is larger, loud, obnoxious, and so arrogant it honestly puts Collins and Excalibur to shame. She invites them to dinner and the whole time Collins is praising her literally worshiping her. The other Lucases are freaking out so badly that they hardly speak. And Lizzy is just like so you're rich want a cookie. Lady Catherine makes it a point to give all of the girls lectures on how to live. Is in awe of the fact that Lizzy's mother never hired a governess which back in the day would have been like someone saying they were home-schooled with an online program and their parents let them reap whatever they chose to sow. So she goes on about that while and then finds out that all of Lizzy's sisters have come out, meaning that they are all available for marriage. Okay history lesson for those who don't know girls back then would wait till about sixteen sometimes a bit older and then they would publicly "come out" in order to let the boys in town know that they could now request their hands in marriage. Normally the oldest would come out then be married then the the next would be allowed to come out. In a house of five girls you can imagine that would be hard since the girls who hadn't come out yet wouldn't be able to go dance at the balls if they could go at all.

We also meet her daughter Miss De Bourgh who is described as sickly and small a lot like every time her name comes up it says sickly and small next to it. Lizzy makes an inward comment about her suiting Darcy. Miss Bourgh is Miss Darcy's contrast but we will wait to make that observation when we finally meet Miss Darcy (Darcy's little sister).

On that note I will promise to make no more promises about when blogs will be posted. I am sorry for not being a good steward of my time. I will try very hard to have more up tomorrow since we are about to get to the good yet horrible parts! Follow me here as a minion or on twitter @KauruRoss for updates when there are any.
Your Procrastination Hero,
pride and prejudice