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Sunday, March 31, 2013
First of allow me to wish everyone a very happy Easter, the celebration of the Resurrection of the LORD should never go without a happy smile and a joyous greeting!
Alright next I bring to you, the first proposal:
Okay so in case you have forgotten Mr. Collins main reason for visiting in the first place was to find a wife among the five sisters in the Bennet household. Because of Mrs. B he had set his sights on Miss Lizzy and in chapter 19 we see him make his move. Now I will worn you be prepared to either laugh or be annoyed or honestly a little of both. Reading it for a second time was a bitter sweet mixture of pain and humor.
Mr. Collins walks into the room in the middle breakfast and asks to talk to Lizzy alone and Mrs. B grabs Kitty and rushes out of the room before Lizzy can say anything. Lizzy tries to get out of being alone with him but her mother insists on her saying. Then he starts. First he has a speech about liking her more because she didn't want to be alone with him and how that obviously is desirable in a girl...
Then he says something about it being love at first sight which is a lie because he originally wanted Jane the jerk. Anyway he says
"Almost as soon as I entered the house, I singled you out as the companion of my future life. But before I am run away with by my feelings on this subject, perhaps it would be advisable for me to stat my reasons for marrying-- and, moreover, for coming into Hertfordshire with the design of selecting a wife, as I certainly did."
And Lizzy is trying so hard not to laugh at the idea of Mr. Serious-Face's emotions running away with him that he ends up starting his speech. His reasons are thus,
1 Because he is clergy it would set a good example of matrimony for his parish.
2 Because he is convinced it will "add very greatly to [his] happiness."
3 Because his very honorable patroness has recommended it. Twice. Without being asked.
He has chosen to pick someone from Longbourn (the Bennet estate) instead of someone from his current town which is apparently filled with very attractive and agreeable young women because he knows that he will get the estate and his hoping to reduce the loss that they will fell when her honorable father dies. And yes he tells her all of this but that's not all my friends he continues.
He follows this by saying "nothing remains ... but to assure you in the most animated language of the violence of my affection." which he does by saying that its okay if she is poor and he isn't going to ask her dad for any money because he knows he can't pay him anything anyway, and that he will never speak of not getting any money after they are married.
And here she finally tries to stop him.
She essentially says "whoa nelly I haven't given you my answer yet which by the way is a very polite
And he misses it and is all "No way you are just saying that because girls these days like to say no and then get asked again so just let me do so and get it out of the way you foolish girl."
Lizzy is shocked and tries to turn him down again and he tries to compliment her, badly, and she tells him that it isn't going to help him at all. And he tries again thinking so much of himself that he can't possible picture a world where he would be turned down. Lizzy is now completely at a loss and ends up saying that she has no idea how else to turn him down.
Then he actually goes on to say that there is no reason for her to turn him down he has a good income, good connections, his relation to her family, and of course the fact that she might be sort of attractive but that is by no means a promise of further proposals.
To which Lizzy replies "Can I speak plainer?" NO my friend N O.
He says "You are uniformly charming... and I am persuaded that, when sanctioned by the express authority of both your excellent parents, my proposals will not fail of being acceptable."
Lizzy is at such a loss for words she literally just walks away to find her father and get him to tell Mr. Collins no because there is no way that a full grown man's refusal could be taken as flirting.
And that concludes chapter one and the first proposal that Miss Lizzy gets. Because I do not want to only do one chapter but am aware that this is already pretty long I will do chapter 20 as shortly as possible which shouldn't be too hard since most of it is Mrs. B being a jerk.
So Mrs. B tries to do damage control with Mr. Collins and insists that if she talks to Mr. B that everything will be fixed. Instead what happens is Mrs. B says if she doesn't marry him she wont speak to her and Mr. B says that Lizzy will have to choose between parents because he wont speak to her if she does marry Mr. Collins. Mrs. B then starts going on and on and on about her nerves and how she is mistreated and how Lizzy is a horrible child. Charlotte shows up which you will wont to remember and the chapter ends with Mr. Collins saying he wont hate Lizzy and that he is sorry if he has been a jerk even though he says it sarcastically and doesn't really think that he could have possibly been at fault.
Alright I will leave you all with that and I will get to work on what happens now. We all know that Mr. Collins is an idiot so trust me you wont want to miss what he does do recover from being turned down by Lizzy. For faster updates become a minion, or follow me on tweeter @KauruRoss.
Your semi-lazy writer forever,
Alright next I bring to you, the first proposal:
Okay so in case you have forgotten Mr. Collins main reason for visiting in the first place was to find a wife among the five sisters in the Bennet household. Because of Mrs. B he had set his sights on Miss Lizzy and in chapter 19 we see him make his move. Now I will worn you be prepared to either laugh or be annoyed or honestly a little of both. Reading it for a second time was a bitter sweet mixture of pain and humor.
Mr. Collins walks into the room in the middle breakfast and asks to talk to Lizzy alone and Mrs. B grabs Kitty and rushes out of the room before Lizzy can say anything. Lizzy tries to get out of being alone with him but her mother insists on her saying. Then he starts. First he has a speech about liking her more because she didn't want to be alone with him and how that obviously is desirable in a girl...
Then he says something about it being love at first sight which is a lie because he originally wanted Jane the jerk. Anyway he says
"Almost as soon as I entered the house, I singled you out as the companion of my future life. But before I am run away with by my feelings on this subject, perhaps it would be advisable for me to stat my reasons for marrying-- and, moreover, for coming into Hertfordshire with the design of selecting a wife, as I certainly did."
And Lizzy is trying so hard not to laugh at the idea of Mr. Serious-Face's emotions running away with him that he ends up starting his speech. His reasons are thus,
1 Because he is clergy it would set a good example of matrimony for his parish.
2 Because he is convinced it will "add very greatly to [his] happiness."
3 Because his very honorable patroness has recommended it. Twice. Without being asked.
He has chosen to pick someone from Longbourn (the Bennet estate) instead of someone from his current town which is apparently filled with very attractive and agreeable young women because he knows that he will get the estate and his hoping to reduce the loss that they will fell when her honorable father dies. And yes he tells her all of this but that's not all my friends he continues.
He follows this by saying "nothing remains ... but to assure you in the most animated language of the violence of my affection." which he does by saying that its okay if she is poor and he isn't going to ask her dad for any money because he knows he can't pay him anything anyway, and that he will never speak of not getting any money after they are married.
And here she finally tries to stop him.
She essentially says "whoa nelly I haven't given you my answer yet which by the way is a very polite
And he misses it and is all "No way you are just saying that because girls these days like to say no and then get asked again so just let me do so and get it out of the way you foolish girl."
Lizzy is shocked and tries to turn him down again and he tries to compliment her, badly, and she tells him that it isn't going to help him at all. And he tries again thinking so much of himself that he can't possible picture a world where he would be turned down. Lizzy is now completely at a loss and ends up saying that she has no idea how else to turn him down.
Then he actually goes on to say that there is no reason for her to turn him down he has a good income, good connections, his relation to her family, and of course the fact that she might be sort of attractive but that is by no means a promise of further proposals.
To which Lizzy replies "Can I speak plainer?" NO my friend N O.

Lizzy is at such a loss for words she literally just walks away to find her father and get him to tell Mr. Collins no because there is no way that a full grown man's refusal could be taken as flirting.
And that concludes chapter one and the first proposal that Miss Lizzy gets. Because I do not want to only do one chapter but am aware that this is already pretty long I will do chapter 20 as shortly as possible which shouldn't be too hard since most of it is Mrs. B being a jerk.
So Mrs. B tries to do damage control with Mr. Collins and insists that if she talks to Mr. B that everything will be fixed. Instead what happens is Mrs. B says if she doesn't marry him she wont speak to her and Mr. B says that Lizzy will have to choose between parents because he wont speak to her if she does marry Mr. Collins. Mrs. B then starts going on and on and on about her nerves and how she is mistreated and how Lizzy is a horrible child. Charlotte shows up which you will wont to remember and the chapter ends with Mr. Collins saying he wont hate Lizzy and that he is sorry if he has been a jerk even though he says it sarcastically and doesn't really think that he could have possibly been at fault.
Alright I will leave you all with that and I will get to work on what happens now. We all know that Mr. Collins is an idiot so trust me you wont want to miss what he does do recover from being turned down by Lizzy. For faster updates become a minion, or follow me on tweeter @KauruRoss.
Your semi-lazy writer forever,
pride and prejudice
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Okay here we are at one of my favorite chapters. The Ball!!!!
Okay so the Bingley party finally throws their long awaited ball and everyone in town shows except for guess who, Wickham. Convienently he had to be out of town that day, yeah wonder if maybe it had something to do with the fact that he is a chicken who couldn't handle being in the same room as Darcy because Darcy could totally win in a fight!!! Okay and I'm back down to Earth now sorry 'bout that.
Anyway so at first Lizzy is upset because Wickham isn't there and so she dances with some other soldiers and then who should appear to ask for the next two dances but Darcy himself. Okay so Darcy is adorable in his own way. He just walks up randomly asks her to dance and when she accepts out of pure shock he just walks away. I'm having a Harry Potter "Willyougotothepromwithme" moment here. So Lizzy says yes and when he has walked away she is like, oh crap what did I just do? And her lovely friend Charlotte is there to tell her that he is probably not that bad and then we hit a wiiiiii bit of foreshadowing with Lizzy's line "Heaven forbid! That would be the greatest misfortune of all! To find a man agreeable whom one is determined to hate! Do not wish me such an evil."
Darcy comes back for the dance and they start off pretty much just awkwardly going through the motions of the dance in silence. Okay now here is where the movie is kind of helpful. You need to picture like really fancy line dancing. This is the sort of dance that lasts a set amount of time, has special placements and motions and is not as by any means what we think of today. These two dances lasted thirty minutes so what you will see in movies is what happens without a lot of the awkward silences that pass because you aren't really talking the whole thirty minutes that would be weird.
Okay so they start dancing and he isn't talking so in order to make him uncomfortable Lizzy mentions the dance, he gives a guy short answer and says nothing and she is like, "dude it is so your turn." and he is like "whatever you want me to say I will say" and he smiles. Okay FAN GIRL MOMENT. Okay I'm okay. So they talk about things that don't matter and then she is making assumptions about both of their personalities and he says that its a poor picture of her and she isn't sure it's a very good representation of him either. And then Lizzy just has to ruin the mood. Yup she brings up Wickham and Darcy's mood whiplashes and he is all of the sudden very serious and obviously upset. Now Lizzy recognizes that she may have crossed a line and automatically feels bad but then she kind of pushes because she doesn't trust Darcy. The funny thing is all she does is mention the other day when they were in town and she says they made a "new acquaintance" and he instantly gets moody and all he says is this ( I kind of love this line by the way) "Mr. Wickham is blessed with such happy manners as may ensure his making friends-- whether he may be equally capable of retaining them, is less certain." At this point you should be saying hmmmm, however, when I first read it I pulled a Lizzy and blew him off.
The stop talking for a bit and they must end up looking really torked because when Sir Lucas tries to cross between them it sends him into this hilarious mini speech (designed to be comic relief) of him pardoning himself just because he caught a glimpse of Darcy's face which I am pretty sure started sending him a death glare and then he ends with saying something about how Lizzy's pretty eyes were also "upbraiding" him and then takes off in the opposite direction. So they talk a bit more, this time about books but Lizzy can't focus and Darcy picks up on it. Then she asks questions and he asks her not to take what she thinks she knows of him as the full picture and they end the dance with both of them upset. Lizzy is upset with Darcy and Darcy who is still falling in love with Lizzy can't allow himself to be angry with her so he just starts fuming about Wickham.
Okay so after the dance Miss Bingley comes up and informs Lizzy that Wickham is a big fat liar and then Lizzy hears from Jane that Mr. Bingley also says that he is a big fat liar. Hmmmm Lizzy maybe we should start listening. But she is so wrapped up in Wickham that she can't tell that this is epic foreshadowing sorry for the spoilers its just the way it is when you have read as far as I have. Okay bring it back Ross. Any way then Mr. Collins rears his head again and says he found out that Darcy is related to his patroness and now he has to go introduce himself so that he is not seen as being rude. Lizzy actually says the words "You are not going to introduce yourself to Mr. Darcy!" and he says oh yes I am and you are just a woman and you have no concept of real society. Then he goes into this speech about how clergy as being "equal in point of dignity with the highest rank in the kingdom" as long as they are humble of course. BAHAHBHAHAHAHAHAH Right Collins, be your typical humble self. So he goes over and ticks Darcy off and Darcy gives in the required "civilities" and then makes a run for it. Collins comes back saying Darcy was pleased to meet him and that Darcy is good in his book. Wow this guy thinks uber highly of himself.
Alright now we get to the horrible dinner. So Mrs. B spends most of the dinner obnoxiously talking about Jane marring Bingley and embarrasses Lizzy and really the whole family, and right in front of Darcy who she also is rude to. Lizzy tries to shut her up but it doesn't work. Then Mary one of the younger sisters hears someone ask for music so she volunteers to sing and she apparently isn't very good at it but she thinks she is so she ends up singing twice. Lizzy looks to her dad for support and he pretty much scolds Mary and then she pouts. Lizzy is just in a continual state of blushing. Then because her mother is a well a her they end up leaving like 25 minutes after everyone else. This of course gives Mr. Collins more time to talk to people who really didn't want to hear him. Lizzy sums up the night with the line, "it appeared that, had her family made an agreement to expose themselves as much as they could during the evening, it would have been impossible for them to play their parts with more spirit or finer success;" poor Lizzy.
Okay sorry it was only one chapter this time but I just wanted to cover this chapter because it is rather important. Also something I forgot to mention above is how much time Jane and Bingley spend talking together alone and how often both Lizzy and Darcy are watching them.
Now that I have I think covered everything important in this abnormally large chapter (abnormal compared to most of the other chapters in the book) I will let you all catch your breath. Thank you for reading! Become an adored Minion, follow me on tweeter @KauruRoss, or just continue to be a beloved reader.
Your Opinionated Writer Forever,

Anyway so at first Lizzy is upset because Wickham isn't there and so she dances with some other soldiers and then who should appear to ask for the next two dances but Darcy himself. Okay so Darcy is adorable in his own way. He just walks up randomly asks her to dance and when she accepts out of pure shock he just walks away. I'm having a Harry Potter "Willyougotothepromwithme" moment here. So Lizzy says yes and when he has walked away she is like, oh crap what did I just do? And her lovely friend Charlotte is there to tell her that he is probably not that bad and then we hit a wiiiiii bit of foreshadowing with Lizzy's line "Heaven forbid! That would be the greatest misfortune of all! To find a man agreeable whom one is determined to hate! Do not wish me such an evil."

Okay so they start dancing and he isn't talking so in order to make him uncomfortable Lizzy mentions the dance, he gives a guy short answer and says nothing and she is like, "dude it is so your turn." and he is like "whatever you want me to say I will say" and he smiles. Okay FAN GIRL MOMENT. Okay I'm okay. So they talk about things that don't matter and then she is making assumptions about both of their personalities and he says that its a poor picture of her and she isn't sure it's a very good representation of him either. And then Lizzy just has to ruin the mood. Yup she brings up Wickham and Darcy's mood whiplashes and he is all of the sudden very serious and obviously upset. Now Lizzy recognizes that she may have crossed a line and automatically feels bad but then she kind of pushes because she doesn't trust Darcy. The funny thing is all she does is mention the other day when they were in town and she says they made a "new acquaintance" and he instantly gets moody and all he says is this ( I kind of love this line by the way) "Mr. Wickham is blessed with such happy manners as may ensure his making friends-- whether he may be equally capable of retaining them, is less certain." At this point you should be saying hmmmm, however, when I first read it I pulled a Lizzy and blew him off.
The stop talking for a bit and they must end up looking really torked because when Sir Lucas tries to cross between them it sends him into this hilarious mini speech (designed to be comic relief) of him pardoning himself just because he caught a glimpse of Darcy's face which I am pretty sure started sending him a death glare and then he ends with saying something about how Lizzy's pretty eyes were also "upbraiding" him and then takes off in the opposite direction. So they talk a bit more, this time about books but Lizzy can't focus and Darcy picks up on it. Then she asks questions and he asks her not to take what she thinks she knows of him as the full picture and they end the dance with both of them upset. Lizzy is upset with Darcy and Darcy who is still falling in love with Lizzy can't allow himself to be angry with her so he just starts fuming about Wickham.

Okay sorry it was only one chapter this time but I just wanted to cover this chapter because it is rather important. Also something I forgot to mention above is how much time Jane and Bingley spend talking together alone and how often both Lizzy and Darcy are watching them.
Now that I have I think covered everything important in this abnormally large chapter (abnormal compared to most of the other chapters in the book) I will let you all catch your breath. Thank you for reading! Become an adored Minion, follow me on tweeter @KauruRoss, or just continue to be a beloved reader.
Your Opinionated Writer Forever,
pride and prejudice
Monday, March 25, 2013
Disclaimer!!!! I have read further than I have written the posts for so I will be biased against certain characters that the reader is supposed to like at this point in the plot line. I apologize that you will not get the full emotional effect because of this, but if you really wanted that you would read the actual book so honestly I don't feel that bad about it.
In Chapter 17 we sort of feel bad for Lizzy and you find yourself feeling her dread. All the girls are talking about the Netherfield Ball that is coming up soon. They are all very excited because they end up stuck in the house for like two weeks because of the rain. So Mr. Collins starts talking about how the first two dances he wants to dance with Lizzy. Now the first two dances of a ball are very important to your social standing. From what I can understand from reading this book it seems that your first two dances show your preference toward a certain person and is only trumped by how many other dances you have with someone. Lizzy starts freaking out in her head for two reasons. One she is really hoping that Wick will be there to dance the first two dances with her (even though this is a Bingley party and Mr. Darcy will be there) and two because she is starting to pick up the oh so very subtle hints that Collins is dropping. She is starting to realize that he is getting dangerously close to proposing and she is scared to death because she hates him as much as we do.
Okay now the next thing is that we are only covering two chapters because we are starting to get to where things get seriously confusing if you start to go through them too fast and because I refuse to do chapter 18 in the same blog that I talk about Mr. Wickham because honestly I love chapter 18 and I am the one writing the blog. In fact I may do a whole post on just chapter 18 because we get to fan girl all over Mr. Darcy.
Anyway on to chapter 16.
Alright so all five sisters plus Mr. Collins (shiver) go to Mrs. Philips house (I think she is either a family friend or an aunt of theirs) Mrs. Philips is throwing a party and a bunch of the officers are there including the agreeable and charming Mr. Wickham. Lizzy starts talking to him and she wants to find out about why Darcy was glaring at him so they pick up a conversation. Wickham several times says things like "Oh I can't really say anything about Darcy." and then he continues to say something bad about him and Lizzy is just soaking all of this in and saying oh poor Mr. Wickham.
So mainly the story from Wickham's perspective is that he was dear friends with the Late Mr. Darcy who we shall just call Dead Darcy for the sake of my sanity. So Wick and Dead Darcy are like mentor and troubled soul and Dead Darcy promises Wick that there will be money left for him when he dies to take care of him and make sure that Wick will be taken care of. Wick claims that Living Darcy ignored this last wish of Dead Darcy and refused to give Wick the money. Wick also says that Living Darcy got away with doing this because there was some sort of loop hole in the Dead Darcy's will.
We must also take into account that during this whole conversation Wick is pretty much dissing Darcy and trying to make it sound like complements. Again this is something that normal readers (including me) don't see at first. So for now just take what Wick is saying as true because that is how Lizzy takes it. In fact Lizzy trusts everything he says for one reason, prejudice. Wickham is nice, he speaks well, he makes people like him; Darcy is distant, snobbish, and prideful. Everyone immediately likes Wickham and hates Darcy because of their outward appearances and personalities.
Though Lizzy wont admit it she is smitten and leaves the party with "her head full of him."
Okay you should all know what this ugly color means. Oh yes Mr. Collins is in and throughout this chapter continuously talking about the woman who practically owns his soul now and how he sees the money he looses at the card table as a mere trifle. Every time this man speaks it makes me want to kick poor defenseless sheep off the side of a mountain. He will use complementing other people as a way to bring up Lady C and then everyone ends up saying thank you even though they weren't really complemented by the time this guy stops talking. But then we get to chapter 17.

So that is pretty much everything from chapters 16 & 17. I will have 18 up soon because I love that chapter. Thanks for reading and please make sure that if you enjoyed it you become a minion and keep reading. You can also get updates from my Tweeter account @KauruRoss . Thanks for reading and come back soon ^_^
Your Forever Friend
pride and prejudice
Friday, March 22, 2013
Also I forgot to send out a huge thank you to my favorite little Fox who did an amazering job at making the blog look beautiful so here it is lovely
Thank You!!!!!!
Thank you soooooo much for all of your hard work the blog looks great ^_^
Ps I stole that picture from the interwebs it came off of someones deviant art I believe and the other pictures come from google as well.
Thank You!!!!!!
Thank you soooooo much for all of your hard work the blog looks great ^_^
Ps I stole that picture from the interwebs it came off of someones deviant art I believe and the other pictures come from google as well.
Alright everyone I am so sorry that it has taken so long for me to write a new post... I am a slacker and I hang my head in shame at my awfulness, I am scum, I am unsymmetrical garbage, you should destroy me with fire, cast me out to live with the vermin and die. I even chose to write this in this hideous color as penance for my disgraceful behavior.
Okay on to happier things such as Pride and Prejudice. To make up for the previously stated failures as a blogger I have decided to give you a bunch of chapters at one time. Also it is because chapter 12 should have been in the last post and I didn't realize it and chapter 13 starts the dear Mr. Collins chapters which we have to group together and partially break apart into sections of OME (elephants)-can-you-please-go-shoot-yourself because he is just so ... him. And on to chapter 12.
Okay so we left off with Jane starting to feel better, Darcy is trying to stay in denial of his feelings and Lizzy is done with all of the Bingley party and her mother. Chapter 12 is pretty much a hate on Mrs. B chapter because the whole beginning is her wanting the girls to stay at the Bingley house for another like three days and refusing to send them the carriage to get back, they end up borrowing the Bingley carriage and going home anyway because they don't really like to listen to their mother's crazies anymore than the rest of us.
So the sisters stay one more night and plan to leave in the morning miss Bingley is kind of annoyed that she had insisted on them staying because she pretty much hates Lizzy more than she likes Jane; green is a really ugly color dear. Darcy decides that it will be safer to just not talk to Lizzy anymore and says hardly anything until they leave. I have to put this quote in though for anyone who has been on Team Darcy with me: "She attracted him more than he liked" ahahahahah yes! That's right Darcy fall in love with the commoner girl.
The two girls get home and Mr. B tells them how much he missed them the mother complains that they didn't stay long enough. The younger girls give them the latest gossip about the soldiers and they all take a sigh of relief.
Now for those of us readers who have read a good number we all know that a sigh of relief often leads to an oh-crap-moment, in this case we get Mr. Collins.
Now Mr. Collins is the one character you will never like, so naturally this means we have to make fun of him at every turn and grumble every time his name shoes up on paper. Okay so Mr. Collins is the main subject of the next couple of chapters. He is the one who will get Mr. B's house when Mr.B dies because of the entitlement problem of the day. Because Mr. B has no sons and five daughters his property will have to go to the next man in the family line, a cousin which is where Mr. Collins comes in. Mr. Collins comes to visit them with the main goal of finding one of the daughters to marry. He figures that this way they get to keep the property in the family and he will have a wife which his patroness has been encouraging him to do anyway. Mr. Collins patroness is an older rich woman named Lady Catherine de Bourgh who likes to talk a lot and tell people what they should do. Now for those of you who have no idea what a patroness is I will tell you
The situation between Mr. Collins and Lady C is that Lady C has a large estate (REALLY big house with lots of useless pretty property) these estates usually housed their own pastor who usually administered to the town but was supported by one of the wealthier land owners in the area. So in summary Mr. Collins is a reverend who lives on Lady C's land and his life is dull and boring.
Okay so back to Mr. Collins. He is obnoxious and annoying and pompous. He walks around with false modesty. Speaks way to highly of not only himself but of everything. He talks waaaaaaaaaayyyyyy too much and usually to say something like "wow what nice weather" he will say something like this instead "Tis such grand weather we have, You know I admire the clouds and how white and puffy they are and how well they do their job. You know that had I been a cloud, I should have been a good cloud. Oh but Lady De Bourgh's daughter would have been a star because she is the most beautiful of all the women I have seen. And Lady De Bourgh would have been the sun because she is so loving and nice." Actually he would have gone on but I thing you get the picture. Honestly the best parts in these chapters is Mrs. B who we start to feel sorry for again because she realizes that if she doesn't marry off all of her daughters she could end up living on the streets with them someday. She understands that Mr. Collins will have the power to do that should her husband die. She also sees Mr. Collins for closer to what he probably is. As he walks around their house he complements everything so overly that normally Mrs. B would have been in heaven but she knows that he is really just thinking about how all of this stuff is really his anyway so in a way he is complementing himself on getting all of this really awesome furniture. So in every way we really just can't stand Mr. Collins and he will not be leaving for a while.
Mrs. B is also not the only one who gets tired of him quickly. Mr. B finds him entertaining for a while but eventually he tries to run away to his books. At the end of chapter 14 the girls are talking to Mr. Collins and he starts reading out of a book of Sermons and the Lydia starts to get bored and interupts him and he gets all huffy and stops and makes some wise crack about how girls should listen more to sermons because they are mainly written for them.
So Mr. Collins who wants to marry one of them initially chooses Jane because not only is she the oldest but she is the prettiest and he is a dumb man who chooses with his *cough*. Anyway after talking to Mrs. B he changes his mind and sets his sights on Lizzy. Mrs. B assures him that she is a safer choice and that she is far more practical and he agrees and also agrees that she is still pretty and will do.
The girls go to town (Collins with them) and the run into (accidentally on purpose) the plot lines next big problem, Mr. Wickham. Mr. Wickham is a soldier who was walking with another soldier when they met the ladies. He is polite, good looking, and agreeable. Everything Mr. Darcy is not.
Speak of the devil. Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley show up riding one their horses (which obviously makes Darcy cooler) and Darcy and Wickham share a glare and tense shoulders when they pass each other that Lizzy notices and eventually tells Jane.
Mr. Collins gushes some more and Chapter 15 ends and so we will stop here.
So some spoilers, Darcy and Wickham have bad blood because of past incidents that we eventually hear told two separate ways, Team Darcy fans stay strong he isn't as bad as he initially looks. Mr. Collins does something stupid that we initially laugh at then we go darn that sort of backfired.
So I will try to not be a slacker anymore. Keep up with me by following me on Twitter @KauruRoss and please become a minion of the blog if you have a blogger account. If you don't then make one and become a minion because honestly who doesn't want to be a minion.
I love all of you for not killing me with fire,
Your Affectionate Writer,
Okay on to happier things such as Pride and Prejudice. To make up for the previously stated failures as a blogger I have decided to give you a bunch of chapters at one time. Also it is because chapter 12 should have been in the last post and I didn't realize it and chapter 13 starts the dear Mr. Collins chapters which we have to group together and partially break apart into sections of OME (elephants)-can-you-please-go-shoot-yourself because he is just so ... him. And on to chapter 12.
Okay so we left off with Jane starting to feel better, Darcy is trying to stay in denial of his feelings and Lizzy is done with all of the Bingley party and her mother. Chapter 12 is pretty much a hate on Mrs. B chapter because the whole beginning is her wanting the girls to stay at the Bingley house for another like three days and refusing to send them the carriage to get back, they end up borrowing the Bingley carriage and going home anyway because they don't really like to listen to their mother's crazies anymore than the rest of us.
So the sisters stay one more night and plan to leave in the morning miss Bingley is kind of annoyed that she had insisted on them staying because she pretty much hates Lizzy more than she likes Jane; green is a really ugly color dear. Darcy decides that it will be safer to just not talk to Lizzy anymore and says hardly anything until they leave. I have to put this quote in though for anyone who has been on Team Darcy with me: "She attracted him more than he liked" ahahahahah yes! That's right Darcy fall in love with the commoner girl.
The two girls get home and Mr. B tells them how much he missed them the mother complains that they didn't stay long enough. The younger girls give them the latest gossip about the soldiers and they all take a sigh of relief.
Now for those of us readers who have read a good number we all know that a sigh of relief often leads to an oh-crap-moment, in this case we get Mr. Collins.
Now Mr. Collins is the one character you will never like, so naturally this means we have to make fun of him at every turn and grumble every time his name shoes up on paper. Okay so Mr. Collins is the main subject of the next couple of chapters. He is the one who will get Mr. B's house when Mr.B dies because of the entitlement problem of the day. Because Mr. B has no sons and five daughters his property will have to go to the next man in the family line, a cousin which is where Mr. Collins comes in. Mr. Collins comes to visit them with the main goal of finding one of the daughters to marry. He figures that this way they get to keep the property in the family and he will have a wife which his patroness has been encouraging him to do anyway. Mr. Collins patroness is an older rich woman named Lady Catherine de Bourgh who likes to talk a lot and tell people what they should do. Now for those of you who have no idea what a patroness is I will tell you
The situation between Mr. Collins and Lady C is that Lady C has a large estate (REALLY big house with lots of useless pretty property) these estates usually housed their own pastor who usually administered to the town but was supported by one of the wealthier land owners in the area. So in summary Mr. Collins is a reverend who lives on Lady C's land and his life is dull and boring.
Okay so back to Mr. Collins. He is obnoxious and annoying and pompous. He walks around with false modesty. Speaks way to highly of not only himself but of everything. He talks waaaaaaaaaayyyyyy too much and usually to say something like "wow what nice weather" he will say something like this instead "Tis such grand weather we have, You know I admire the clouds and how white and puffy they are and how well they do their job. You know that had I been a cloud, I should have been a good cloud. Oh but Lady De Bourgh's daughter would have been a star because she is the most beautiful of all the women I have seen. And Lady De Bourgh would have been the sun because she is so loving and nice." Actually he would have gone on but I thing you get the picture. Honestly the best parts in these chapters is Mrs. B who we start to feel sorry for again because she realizes that if she doesn't marry off all of her daughters she could end up living on the streets with them someday. She understands that Mr. Collins will have the power to do that should her husband die. She also sees Mr. Collins for closer to what he probably is. As he walks around their house he complements everything so overly that normally Mrs. B would have been in heaven but she knows that he is really just thinking about how all of this stuff is really his anyway so in a way he is complementing himself on getting all of this really awesome furniture. So in every way we really just can't stand Mr. Collins and he will not be leaving for a while.
Mrs. B is also not the only one who gets tired of him quickly. Mr. B finds him entertaining for a while but eventually he tries to run away to his books. At the end of chapter 14 the girls are talking to Mr. Collins and he starts reading out of a book of Sermons and the Lydia starts to get bored and interupts him and he gets all huffy and stops and makes some wise crack about how girls should listen more to sermons because they are mainly written for them.
So Mr. Collins who wants to marry one of them initially chooses Jane because not only is she the oldest but she is the prettiest and he is a dumb man who chooses with his *cough*. Anyway after talking to Mrs. B he changes his mind and sets his sights on Lizzy. Mrs. B assures him that she is a safer choice and that she is far more practical and he agrees and also agrees that she is still pretty and will do.
The girls go to town (Collins with them) and the run into (accidentally on purpose) the plot lines next big problem, Mr. Wickham. Mr. Wickham is a soldier who was walking with another soldier when they met the ladies. He is polite, good looking, and agreeable. Everything Mr. Darcy is not.
Speak of the devil. Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley show up riding one their horses (which obviously makes Darcy cooler) and Darcy and Wickham share a glare and tense shoulders when they pass each other that Lizzy notices and eventually tells Jane.
Mr. Collins gushes some more and Chapter 15 ends and so we will stop here.
So some spoilers, Darcy and Wickham have bad blood because of past incidents that we eventually hear told two separate ways, Team Darcy fans stay strong he isn't as bad as he initially looks. Mr. Collins does something stupid that we initially laugh at then we go darn that sort of backfired.
So I will try to not be a slacker anymore. Keep up with me by following me on Twitter @KauruRoss and please become a minion of the blog if you have a blogger account. If you don't then make one and become a minion because honestly who doesn't want to be a minion.
I love all of you for not killing me with fire,
Your Affectionate Writer,
pride and prejudice
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Hey everyone welcome back, or hello for the first time. We left off with a very sick Jane and a very fed of Lizzy both staying at the Netherfield residence with the poor boys not really knowing what to do with their feelings.
Chapter 10 starts with Darcy writing a letter to his sister and with Miss Bingley flirting so hard that its kind of embarrassing to everyone else in the room, or it would be if anyone was paying attention. I am off the opinion that everyone who is part of the Bingley party is used to her. The fun part about chapter ten is that we get a deeper look at Bingley and Darcy's relationship and its something that the fan girls with the sketchy art would probably die over. Darcy pretty much messes with him in a very brotherly way about his willingness to be at pretty much anyone's disposal with little to no explanation as to why. Darcy thinks that if you are getting ready to leave and someone comes out and asks you to stay that you should need a reason to stay. Darcy says that Bingley would just get off his horse and stay. Darcy also messes with Bingley for being less humble than he appears. Lizzy thinks Darcy is being mean but Bingley reassures her in a way that makes me think Darcy messes with him a lot. Personally I think its cute, Lizzy misses it though and gets involved in arguing with Darcy about stuff that doesn't matter again until Bingley asks them to stop because he knows that Darcy will keep arguing about nonsense until he wins or someone makes him stop.
The best line of the chapter is actually Bingley talking about Darcy: "I assure you that if Darcy were not such a great tall fellow, in comparison with myself, I should not pay him half so much deference." Just throwing that in because I think it sums up their relationship in a playful way.
So things die down and Darcy asks the women to entertain him with music, which is something that the women back then did because they liked to show off. Lizzy starts to notice that Darcy is pretty much just creeper staring at her. He doesn't try to hide it just stares at her... Finally he starts talking but he can't just be nice, that would be against his nature, so he says something like aren't you going to dance the jig to the music, and she's all "Ha" and goes off on how he wants her to say yes so that he can call her common and instead she will say no so that he wont be able to laugh at her and therefore he wont have to like her and she finishes with, "despise me if you dare." She is all ready with her next come back but he just says, "Indeed I do not dare" and in the following paragraph we get the line, "Darcy had never been so bewitched by any woman as he was by her." Of all the things to be attracted to he would be attracted to her snarky comments wouldn't he.
Miss Bingley notices Darcy's attraction to Lizzy and so every time the poor thing leaves the room this jerk starts talking about all the horrible things that would happen if Darcy should ever marry Lizzy. She mentions Lizzy's poor family connections, her mother, her younger sisters' love for the soldiers, and Lizzy's pride. She tops it off by saying that no artist could capture Lizzy's "fine eyes" to which Darcy finally replies, may they could not capture their essence but any artist could capture their beautiful shape. Poor stupid Miss Bingley, you are way to into Darcy to have ever had an actual chance in gaining his affection.
Chapter 11 starts us off the next morning and Jane is finally well enough to get out of bed and join the group. The Bingley girls go all fake and start off very polite and make a fuss over her, Darcy says the expected glad your not dying any more, and Mr. Hurst (the guy who eats, sleeps, and plays cards) is more interested in someone playing cards with him. When no one wants to he literally just lays down on a couch and goes to sleep... WOW. Anyway Mr. Bingley is all over Jane, do you need anything, move over here, let me make the fire warmer. Its kind of cute and kind of sickening. So the two of them become engrossed with each other. Mrs. Hurst ( the older Bingley sister) just sits there and talks to them sometimes, and Miss Bingley is pestering Darcy again. Darcy is reading and trying really hard to stay that way. Miss Bingley starts off with a book (the second volume of whatever Darcy is reading) then she makes a comment about how you can never get bored when you are reading, and then she puts her book down.
Miss Bingley is that person who comes home, notices everyone is busy and instead of actually doing something just talks about how busy she is too that way people will stop what they are doing and pay attention to them. I greatly dislike people like this because they are always the random people on the bus who you don't know. The ones who have nothing better to do then look at you reading a book and go, "What book are you reading? What's it about? Do you like it?" its so annoying its like come on get your own book! Okay tirade over
So anyway after long expanses of complaining and still being ignored she gets up and walks around the room. Okay so if I am correct this is the original version of hair flipping to get a guys attention. She is seriously trying to get it so that Darcy watches her and yet he wont. Darcy at this point is completely ignoring her. Then she says the magic words, Hey Lizzy maybe you should walk around the room with me. Now I'm not sure why but Lizzy seems to do things randomly that seem sort of out of character for her like this, walking around the room for the viewing pleasure of the guys in the room, mainly Mr. Darcy, just doesn't seem like something she would do to me, but she agrees. The moment she stands up Darcy's eyes are glued to her and his book is closed. Miss Bingley picks up on it immediately and suggests that he join them. Darcy declines with a smart comment that he wants them to answer back to and Lizzy is like don't that's what he wants us to do and Miss Bingley asks anyway for his reasons. Darcy answers that they are either walking because they are talking to each other and in that case he would be intruding, or they are walking so that he can look at them, in which case he has a better view from his seat.
Can we just take a moment, ... sigh oh Darcy you sly, slightly perverted, cunning fox you.
Anyway Miss Bingley ends up getting pretty angry and she's all oh what should we do about him and Lizzy who at this point is probably just fed up with the crazy lady goes well shouldn't you know how to tease him, you are with him all the time. Would you like some ice for that burn muahahhaahahah.
So then Darcy and Lizzy commence in witty banter about what should be laughed at, leaving Miss Bingley out again (he he he) and Lizzy actually smiles
Then Darcy starts talking about his flaws and as he lists them they are: he is passive aggressive, he holds grudges, and once he looses respect for you its gone forever. His openness softens Lizzy and her retort.
The chapter ends with Darcy beginning "to feel the danger of paying Elizabeth too much attention."
OKAY so that's it for today, I will try to get on a better schedule than when ever I happen to have time, This week has been kind of crazy TT_TT Anyway I hope you enjoyed, follow me on twitter if you are knew or if you haven't started to yet that way you can find out when the blog has been updated (@KauruRoss). Thanks for reading ^_^
Your Friendly Neighborhood Writer
Chapter 10 starts with Darcy writing a letter to his sister and with Miss Bingley flirting so hard that its kind of embarrassing to everyone else in the room, or it would be if anyone was paying attention. I am off the opinion that everyone who is part of the Bingley party is used to her. The fun part about chapter ten is that we get a deeper look at Bingley and Darcy's relationship and its something that the fan girls with the sketchy art would probably die over. Darcy pretty much messes with him in a very brotherly way about his willingness to be at pretty much anyone's disposal with little to no explanation as to why. Darcy thinks that if you are getting ready to leave and someone comes out and asks you to stay that you should need a reason to stay. Darcy says that Bingley would just get off his horse and stay. Darcy also messes with Bingley for being less humble than he appears. Lizzy thinks Darcy is being mean but Bingley reassures her in a way that makes me think Darcy messes with him a lot. Personally I think its cute, Lizzy misses it though and gets involved in arguing with Darcy about stuff that doesn't matter again until Bingley asks them to stop because he knows that Darcy will keep arguing about nonsense until he wins or someone makes him stop.
The best line of the chapter is actually Bingley talking about Darcy: "I assure you that if Darcy were not such a great tall fellow, in comparison with myself, I should not pay him half so much deference." Just throwing that in because I think it sums up their relationship in a playful way.
So things die down and Darcy asks the women to entertain him with music, which is something that the women back then did because they liked to show off. Lizzy starts to notice that Darcy is pretty much just creeper staring at her. He doesn't try to hide it just stares at her... Finally he starts talking but he can't just be nice, that would be against his nature, so he says something like aren't you going to dance the jig to the music, and she's all "Ha" and goes off on how he wants her to say yes so that he can call her common and instead she will say no so that he wont be able to laugh at her and therefore he wont have to like her and she finishes with, "despise me if you dare." She is all ready with her next come back but he just says, "Indeed I do not dare" and in the following paragraph we get the line, "Darcy had never been so bewitched by any woman as he was by her." Of all the things to be attracted to he would be attracted to her snarky comments wouldn't he.
Miss Bingley notices Darcy's attraction to Lizzy and so every time the poor thing leaves the room this jerk starts talking about all the horrible things that would happen if Darcy should ever marry Lizzy. She mentions Lizzy's poor family connections, her mother, her younger sisters' love for the soldiers, and Lizzy's pride. She tops it off by saying that no artist could capture Lizzy's "fine eyes" to which Darcy finally replies, may they could not capture their essence but any artist could capture their beautiful shape. Poor stupid Miss Bingley, you are way to into Darcy to have ever had an actual chance in gaining his affection.
Chapter 11 starts us off the next morning and Jane is finally well enough to get out of bed and join the group. The Bingley girls go all fake and start off very polite and make a fuss over her, Darcy says the expected glad your not dying any more, and Mr. Hurst (the guy who eats, sleeps, and plays cards) is more interested in someone playing cards with him. When no one wants to he literally just lays down on a couch and goes to sleep... WOW. Anyway Mr. Bingley is all over Jane, do you need anything, move over here, let me make the fire warmer. Its kind of cute and kind of sickening. So the two of them become engrossed with each other. Mrs. Hurst ( the older Bingley sister) just sits there and talks to them sometimes, and Miss Bingley is pestering Darcy again. Darcy is reading and trying really hard to stay that way. Miss Bingley starts off with a book (the second volume of whatever Darcy is reading) then she makes a comment about how you can never get bored when you are reading, and then she puts her book down.

So anyway after long expanses of complaining and still being ignored she gets up and walks around the room. Okay so if I am correct this is the original version of hair flipping to get a guys attention. She is seriously trying to get it so that Darcy watches her and yet he wont. Darcy at this point is completely ignoring her. Then she says the magic words, Hey Lizzy maybe you should walk around the room with me. Now I'm not sure why but Lizzy seems to do things randomly that seem sort of out of character for her like this, walking around the room for the viewing pleasure of the guys in the room, mainly Mr. Darcy, just doesn't seem like something she would do to me, but she agrees. The moment she stands up Darcy's eyes are glued to her and his book is closed. Miss Bingley picks up on it immediately and suggests that he join them. Darcy declines with a smart comment that he wants them to answer back to and Lizzy is like don't that's what he wants us to do and Miss Bingley asks anyway for his reasons. Darcy answers that they are either walking because they are talking to each other and in that case he would be intruding, or they are walking so that he can look at them, in which case he has a better view from his seat.
Can we just take a moment, ... sigh oh Darcy you sly, slightly perverted, cunning fox you.

So then Darcy and Lizzy commence in witty banter about what should be laughed at, leaving Miss Bingley out again (he he he) and Lizzy actually smiles
Then Darcy starts talking about his flaws and as he lists them they are: he is passive aggressive, he holds grudges, and once he looses respect for you its gone forever. His openness softens Lizzy and her retort.
The chapter ends with Darcy beginning "to feel the danger of paying Elizabeth too much attention."
OKAY so that's it for today, I will try to get on a better schedule than when ever I happen to have time, This week has been kind of crazy TT_TT Anyway I hope you enjoyed, follow me on twitter if you are knew or if you haven't started to yet that way you can find out when the blog has been updated (@KauruRoss). Thanks for reading ^_^
Your Friendly Neighborhood Writer
pride and prejudice
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