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Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Okay here we are at one of my favorite chapters. The Ball!!!!
Okay so the Bingley party finally throws their long awaited ball and everyone in town shows except for guess who, Wickham. Convienently he had to be out of town that day, yeah wonder if maybe it had something to do with the fact that he is a chicken who couldn't handle being in the same room as Darcy because Darcy could totally win in a fight!!! Okay and I'm back down to Earth now sorry 'bout that.
Anyway so at first Lizzy is upset because Wickham isn't there and so she dances with some other soldiers and then who should appear to ask for the next two dances but Darcy himself. Okay so Darcy is adorable in his own way. He just walks up randomly asks her to dance and when she accepts out of pure shock he just walks away. I'm having a Harry Potter "Willyougotothepromwithme" moment here. So Lizzy says yes and when he has walked away she is like, oh crap what did I just do? And her lovely friend Charlotte is there to tell her that he is probably not that bad and then we hit a wiiiiii bit of foreshadowing with Lizzy's line "Heaven forbid! That would be the greatest misfortune of all! To find a man agreeable whom one is determined to hate! Do not wish me such an evil."
Darcy comes back for the dance and they start off pretty much just awkwardly going through the motions of the dance in silence. Okay now here is where the movie is kind of helpful. You need to picture like really fancy line dancing. This is the sort of dance that lasts a set amount of time, has special placements and motions and is not as by any means what we think of today. These two dances lasted thirty minutes so what you will see in movies is what happens without a lot of the awkward silences that pass because you aren't really talking the whole thirty minutes that would be weird.
Okay so they start dancing and he isn't talking so in order to make him uncomfortable Lizzy mentions the dance, he gives a guy short answer and says nothing and she is like, "dude it is so your turn." and he is like "whatever you want me to say I will say" and he smiles. Okay FAN GIRL MOMENT. Okay I'm okay. So they talk about things that don't matter and then she is making assumptions about both of their personalities and he says that its a poor picture of her and she isn't sure it's a very good representation of him either. And then Lizzy just has to ruin the mood. Yup she brings up Wickham and Darcy's mood whiplashes and he is all of the sudden very serious and obviously upset. Now Lizzy recognizes that she may have crossed a line and automatically feels bad but then she kind of pushes because she doesn't trust Darcy. The funny thing is all she does is mention the other day when they were in town and she says they made a "new acquaintance" and he instantly gets moody and all he says is this ( I kind of love this line by the way) "Mr. Wickham is blessed with such happy manners as may ensure his making friends-- whether he may be equally capable of retaining them, is less certain." At this point you should be saying hmmmm, however, when I first read it I pulled a Lizzy and blew him off.
The stop talking for a bit and they must end up looking really torked because when Sir Lucas tries to cross between them it sends him into this hilarious mini speech (designed to be comic relief) of him pardoning himself just because he caught a glimpse of Darcy's face which I am pretty sure started sending him a death glare and then he ends with saying something about how Lizzy's pretty eyes were also "upbraiding" him and then takes off in the opposite direction. So they talk a bit more, this time about books but Lizzy can't focus and Darcy picks up on it. Then she asks questions and he asks her not to take what she thinks she knows of him as the full picture and they end the dance with both of them upset. Lizzy is upset with Darcy and Darcy who is still falling in love with Lizzy can't allow himself to be angry with her so he just starts fuming about Wickham.
Okay so after the dance Miss Bingley comes up and informs Lizzy that Wickham is a big fat liar and then Lizzy hears from Jane that Mr. Bingley also says that he is a big fat liar. Hmmmm Lizzy maybe we should start listening. But she is so wrapped up in Wickham that she can't tell that this is epic foreshadowing sorry for the spoilers its just the way it is when you have read as far as I have. Okay bring it back Ross. Any way then Mr. Collins rears his head again and says he found out that Darcy is related to his patroness and now he has to go introduce himself so that he is not seen as being rude. Lizzy actually says the words "You are not going to introduce yourself to Mr. Darcy!" and he says oh yes I am and you are just a woman and you have no concept of real society. Then he goes into this speech about how clergy as being "equal in point of dignity with the highest rank in the kingdom" as long as they are humble of course. BAHAHBHAHAHAHAHAH Right Collins, be your typical humble self. So he goes over and ticks Darcy off and Darcy gives in the required "civilities" and then makes a run for it. Collins comes back saying Darcy was pleased to meet him and that Darcy is good in his book. Wow this guy thinks uber highly of himself.
Alright now we get to the horrible dinner. So Mrs. B spends most of the dinner obnoxiously talking about Jane marring Bingley and embarrasses Lizzy and really the whole family, and right in front of Darcy who she also is rude to. Lizzy tries to shut her up but it doesn't work. Then Mary one of the younger sisters hears someone ask for music so she volunteers to sing and she apparently isn't very good at it but she thinks she is so she ends up singing twice. Lizzy looks to her dad for support and he pretty much scolds Mary and then she pouts. Lizzy is just in a continual state of blushing. Then because her mother is a well a her they end up leaving like 25 minutes after everyone else. This of course gives Mr. Collins more time to talk to people who really didn't want to hear him. Lizzy sums up the night with the line, "it appeared that, had her family made an agreement to expose themselves as much as they could during the evening, it would have been impossible for them to play their parts with more spirit or finer success;" poor Lizzy.
Okay sorry it was only one chapter this time but I just wanted to cover this chapter because it is rather important. Also something I forgot to mention above is how much time Jane and Bingley spend talking together alone and how often both Lizzy and Darcy are watching them.
Now that I have I think covered everything important in this abnormally large chapter (abnormal compared to most of the other chapters in the book) I will let you all catch your breath. Thank you for reading! Become an adored Minion, follow me on tweeter @KauruRoss, or just continue to be a beloved reader.
Your Opinionated Writer Forever,

Anyway so at first Lizzy is upset because Wickham isn't there and so she dances with some other soldiers and then who should appear to ask for the next two dances but Darcy himself. Okay so Darcy is adorable in his own way. He just walks up randomly asks her to dance and when she accepts out of pure shock he just walks away. I'm having a Harry Potter "Willyougotothepromwithme" moment here. So Lizzy says yes and when he has walked away she is like, oh crap what did I just do? And her lovely friend Charlotte is there to tell her that he is probably not that bad and then we hit a wiiiiii bit of foreshadowing with Lizzy's line "Heaven forbid! That would be the greatest misfortune of all! To find a man agreeable whom one is determined to hate! Do not wish me such an evil."

Okay so they start dancing and he isn't talking so in order to make him uncomfortable Lizzy mentions the dance, he gives a guy short answer and says nothing and she is like, "dude it is so your turn." and he is like "whatever you want me to say I will say" and he smiles. Okay FAN GIRL MOMENT. Okay I'm okay. So they talk about things that don't matter and then she is making assumptions about both of their personalities and he says that its a poor picture of her and she isn't sure it's a very good representation of him either. And then Lizzy just has to ruin the mood. Yup she brings up Wickham and Darcy's mood whiplashes and he is all of the sudden very serious and obviously upset. Now Lizzy recognizes that she may have crossed a line and automatically feels bad but then she kind of pushes because she doesn't trust Darcy. The funny thing is all she does is mention the other day when they were in town and she says they made a "new acquaintance" and he instantly gets moody and all he says is this ( I kind of love this line by the way) "Mr. Wickham is blessed with such happy manners as may ensure his making friends-- whether he may be equally capable of retaining them, is less certain." At this point you should be saying hmmmm, however, when I first read it I pulled a Lizzy and blew him off.
The stop talking for a bit and they must end up looking really torked because when Sir Lucas tries to cross between them it sends him into this hilarious mini speech (designed to be comic relief) of him pardoning himself just because he caught a glimpse of Darcy's face which I am pretty sure started sending him a death glare and then he ends with saying something about how Lizzy's pretty eyes were also "upbraiding" him and then takes off in the opposite direction. So they talk a bit more, this time about books but Lizzy can't focus and Darcy picks up on it. Then she asks questions and he asks her not to take what she thinks she knows of him as the full picture and they end the dance with both of them upset. Lizzy is upset with Darcy and Darcy who is still falling in love with Lizzy can't allow himself to be angry with her so he just starts fuming about Wickham.

Okay sorry it was only one chapter this time but I just wanted to cover this chapter because it is rather important. Also something I forgot to mention above is how much time Jane and Bingley spend talking together alone and how often both Lizzy and Darcy are watching them.
Now that I have I think covered everything important in this abnormally large chapter (abnormal compared to most of the other chapters in the book) I will let you all catch your breath. Thank you for reading! Become an adored Minion, follow me on tweeter @KauruRoss, or just continue to be a beloved reader.
Your Opinionated Writer Forever,
pride and prejudice